Monday, February 11, 2013

Decision making-wedding party

The decision to not have a wedding party.
This was a decision that is not always taken kindly to. People can be very offended by not being asked to be in your wedding party-even if there is no wedding party to be in.
We decided since we were having such a small amount of guests (and frankly a small venue) it seemed silly to have a handful of guests standing with us and a handful sitting and watching.
There was also the struggle of there are so many people we feel are so special to us that we couldn't say you get to be "more special" then this person, and you are the "most special" of all!!
We also figured people would be thrilled to not have to buy a dress/rent a tux, have to throw the appropriate parties associated, the extra presents, etc. We're on a budget and figured most of our guests would be as well.
Though some people feel completely okay with spending the money and appreciate the honor of being in a wedding party and have the honor of saying I stood by their side, it just wasn't the right decision for us.
I will not be walked down the isle, we will likely meet half way (a symbolism of our life) and the only other person present in the ceremony (besides the officiant) isn't a person at all... it's our lovable furry child Penny Lane.

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